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  3. Call for Nomination for Chulalongkorn University FALL 2022 exchange students.


Call for Nomination for Chulalongkorn University FALL 2022 exchange students.

Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
FALL 2022 exchange students
University website Chulalongkorn University
Program website https://www.inter.chula.ac.th/exchange/incoming/
Available Duration of Program ・One whole year, starting from the Fall semester (August - December 2022) to the Spring semester (January - May 2023)
・One semester only starting in the Fall semester (August - December 2022)
list of international programs https://ad-info.naist.jp/kokusai/dge/grad_progam_chula2022.xlsx
GPA requirement preferable 2.75 on a 4.0 scale
Language Requirements TOEFL: iBT: 79
CBT: 213
PBT: 550
IELTS: Minimum 6.0 (Depends)
Tuition and fees NONE
How to apply 1. Please contact the Division for Global Education (DGE) and notify that you wish to be nominated along with the following information
  ・your name
  ・lab name
  ・Master's or Doctoral course
  ・email address
 ※ Be sure to consult with your supervisor beforehand.
2. DGE will nominate the candidates for consideration and send a list to Chulalongkorn University after obtaining NAIST campus approval.
Nomination deadline March 1, 2022
Contact information Division for Global Education
Email: [email protected]
Extension number:6242
Fact Sheet https://ad-info.naist.jp/kokusai/dge/CU_FactSheet22-23.pdf