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RWTH Aachen University financial support opportunities

RWTH Aachen University, one of our partner institutions and a top research university in Germany has announced RWTH Aachen University Research Fellowship Japan and Advanced Research Opportunities Program (AROP). If you are interested, please read the information below carefully and talk with your advisor before applying.

RWTH Aachen University Research Fellowship Japan
Eligible students NAIST doctoral candidates/ master's students
Fellowship amount 3000 Euros for a 3-month program
Visit duration From the beginning of the month chosen to start for three months (until the end of the 3rd month)
University homepage https://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/~a/root/lidx/1/
Fellowship details https://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/Studium/Im-Studium/Stipendien-Foerderung/~cbwm/RWTH-Aachen-University-Research-Fellowsh/?lidx=1
Application deadline 5 month prior to intended stay
Where to submit Ms. Bettina Dinter (bettina.dinter[at]zhv.rwth-aachen.de)
(Please submit all the materials directly to Ms. Bettina and notify the Division for Global Education that you submitted your application.)
RWTH Aachen University Exchange Scholarship
Fellowship overview The scholarship for exchange students to RWTH Aachen University
Eligible students Master's students must be nominated by their home university to spend an exchange semester at RWTH Aachen University, starting in the winter semester of 2022/23.
Fellowship amount 1000 Euros for one semester
*This scholarship covers only a portion of the expected costs for accommodation and living expenses. Travel expenses are not covered.
Where to submit The application for scholarship will be undertaken at the same time as the application for your stay abroad at the International Affairs Division of NAIST.
Fellowship details https://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/Studium/Im-Studium/Stipendien-Foerderung/~gtxv/RWTH-Aachen-University-Exchange-Scholars/?lidx=1
Advanced Research Opportunities Program (AROP)
Eligible students NAIST doctoral candidates/ post-doctoral researchers
Financial support ・A travel grant of 1,000 euros (lump sum)
・A monthly stipend of 1,800 euros for a period of up to 6 months
University homepage https://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/~a/root/lidx/1/
Program details https://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/Studium/Im-Studium/Stipendien-Foerderung/~fhgwb/Advanced-Research-Opportunities-Program/?lidx=1
Application deadline March 31 or September 30
Where to submit Dr. Daniel Holder ([email protected])
(Please submit all the materials directly to Dr. Daniel and notify the Division for Global Education that you submitted your application.)

You must also submit some documents to NAIST later on to study abroad.
For more information about procedures, visit and check the following URL.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact division for Global Education.