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Global Collaboration Program


The Global Collaboration Program started as an integral part of the Management Expenses Grants by the Ministry of Education (MEXT) for strategic enhancement of organizational functions FY 2016. The program aims to encourage national university corporations to improve their global presence and international competitiveness. NAIST has particularly put forth three objectives to expand its global presence and competitiveness (Strategy 3): [1] to accept more international students and establish an international network, [2] to bring researchers into a global circulation, and [3] to realize a global campus where students and faculty members, who mutually respect diversity in nationality and cultural background, will study and conduct research together.
The Program focuses on the work of NAIST alumni active in partner universities in ASEAN countries. To support their career development, it intends to include them into a core of research advancement efforts in three areas: information science, biological sciences and materials science, and also in their interdisciplinary fields. The program is expected to facilitate research through NAIST’s existing global education and research networks and contribute to a circulative human resource development process, thus promoting the recruitment of excellent international students.
The Program will be supported until the FY 2021 and proposals will be selected for each fiscal year.


The Program aims to promote further internationalization of graduate education at NAIST through two types of activity:

  • Promoting cutting-edge research in the areas of information science, materials science, biological sciences, and their interdisciplinary areas that NAIST pursues. Specifically, the program supports collaboration with ASEAN researchers, in both academia and industry, who have studied at NAIST or those who have engaged in long-term research at NAIST as a student or a visiting scholar, and are involved in ongoing collaborative research with a laboratory at NAIST.
  • Proposing new research partner institutions in North America and Europe in order to actively develop NAIST’s global collaborative network while providing opportunities for NAIST graduates to take the lead in global collaborative research activities in order to become global leaders.


NAIST invites applications for funding of the following international activities:

(1) Research collaboration with NAIST graduates at our partner institutions in the ASEAN region, such as those in Indonesia and Thailand. Funding is provided for research expenses including travel costs for students and researchers.
(2) Collaboration with researchers at US or European institutions. Funding is provided for research expenses including travel costs for students and researchers. Activities involving NAIST graduates are particularly encouraged. Research collaboration that also involves universities within the ASEAN region is highly desirable.
(3) Short-Term Overseas Visits for faculty for follow up activities related to international collaborative research and projects conducted through this Global Collaboration Program.

Multidisciplinary collaboration is strongly encouraged. Also, please clearly state your plan, if any, to utilize NAIST Overseas Offices in Indonesia and/or Thailand.

4. NUMBER OF AWARDS (approximate numbers and figures)

Collaborative research projects for 3-(1) and 3-(2):
Approximately 10 projects in total, including new applications and ongoing projects that require renewal.

A total of \13,000,000 (between \500,000 and \3,000,000 per project)
The following costs may be covered:
  • [1] Travel expenses for NAIST faculty members and researchers
  • [2] Travel expenses for NAIST students
  • [3] Travel expenses for visiting scholars
  • [4] Other miscellaneous expenses

For project 3-(3):
Short-Term Overseas Visits for approximately 10 NAIST faculty members

A total of \2,000,000 (\200,000 per person)


  • Such projects are to be held in cooperation with international partner universities and are expected to be developed by the funding.
  • Projects are selected each fiscal year. Projects spanning more than one fiscal year must be reapplied and reselected for continuation of the funding.
  • A report on the project activities and outcomes is mandatory.
  • At least one article based on the collaborative research must be submitted to an academic journal.

6. APPLICATION MATERIALS (Email submission/English accepted)

[i] Related documents and applications (do not add pages or make adjustments to application forms)
[ii] Please download all the necessary forms from the following links;

Collaborative Research Project Application Form (FY 2019)
Short-Term Overseas Visit Application Form (FY 2019)


  • For ongoing projects that require renewal, please check the box (□ Renewal) and provide rationale.For projects which have continued for 3 years or more, please write any academic achievements deriving from this project in the “Detailed explanation of project, including information on research collaborators” section of the application form.
  • Please comply with NAIST regulations for faculty exchange (including international researchers) business trips.
  • Please comply with all the budgetary rules concerning expenses for student exchange such as hotel costs and daily allowances. Expenses shall be calculated in accordance with the related regulations and the attached rules, and other expenses shall be calculated according to the appropriate university provisions.


Please submit your proposal to the appropriate person below:

Information Science: Ms. Mari Hamada: [email protected]
Biological Sciences: Prof. Naoyuki Inagaki: [email protected]
Materials Science: Ms. Maki Nishii: [email protected]


March 18 - April 12, 2019


The International Collaboration Working Group will examine proposals for selection, and the Educational Promotion Committee chaired by the Executive Director/Vice President will make the final selection. The Working Group may request additional explanation for proposal clarification.(For continuing programs, academic achievement until this point and actual program budget use of the last fiscal year will be taken into consideration.) The result will be announced on May 8th, 2019.


April 1, 2019 - March 31, 2020


  • Budget execution will be based on the NAIST Budgetary Rules.
  • Each project leader shall write a report describing the activities and outcomes of each project. However, s/he may submit a business trip report with detailed description of the project instead. For projects involving multiple members, each faculty member may submit a separate report.
    Please download the necessary form from the following URL:
    Project Report (Word: 24KB)