Summary of on-campus daycare center

on-campus daycare center
Location 1st floor of Guesthouse Sentan, 8916-5 Takayama-cho, Ikoma city, Nara
Capacity 12 children
0-year-olds: 3 (2 employee and students, 1 regional)
1-year-olds: 4 (2 employee and students, 2 regional)
2-year-olds: 5 (3 employee and students, 2 regional)
Age 0 to 2 years old children (after 3 months until the end of the FY after the child's 3rd birthday)
From the age of 3, children can attend either Takayama Kodomo-en or Gakken Mayumi Hoiku-en, both of which are run by Social Welfare Corporation Kitayamato Hoiku-en
Open Hours Standard hours are from 7:30 to 18:30 (Sat to 18:00)
Extended hours are from 18:30 - 19:00 (Mon to Fri)
Opening days Every day except Sundays, national holidays, and New Year holidays (December 29 to 31 and January 1 to 3)
Daycare fee Fees determined by the mayor of the city, ward, town where the user resides
Extended daycare fee 300 yen per use (3,200 yen for 11 or more uses)
Extended daycare snack fee 50 yen per use (500 yen for 10 or more uses)
Contracted provider Social Welfare Corporation Kitayamato-hoikuen

How to apply


  • 8916-5 Takayama-cho, Ikoma city, Nara 630-0192
    NAIST daycare Scitech
    Tel: 0743-72-3179 Fax: 0743-72-3178
    E-mail: naist.scitech[at]
  • 8916-5 Takayama-cho, Ikoma city, Nara 630-0192
    Nara Institute of Science and Technology
    Office for Diversity and Inclusion
    Tel: 0743-72-5137/5138
    E-mail: diversity[at]

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