Malicious tampering of NAIST laboratory website (May 25, 2015)


The NAIST laboratory website has been maliciously tampered with via unauthorized access by a third party. The tampering resulted in a link being created from the website's top page to a fraudulent page. We are now taking prompt measures by closing this website for the time being.

Period tampering took place:
April 21, 2015 (Tuesday) between 11:43-17:36

Tampered website: (closed now)

The top page for the fraudulent website was programmed to encourage Outlook users to log on with their user ID and password and "verify" so user IDs and passwords could be stolen.

Action taken by NAIST:
Soon after detecting this incident, this website was closed, disconnected from the network, and the incident reported to the related parties. NAIST will take steps to further improve security management systems for the website in question and work to prevent such issues from reoccurring.

For further inquiries:

■Website related
Planning and General Affairs Division
PR Section
email: [email protected]

■Security related
Information and Digital Library Services Division
Information Planning Section
email: [email protected]

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