Bridging Academia and Industry|2024 Doctoral Career Messe KYOTO by KQF


 "Doctoral Career Messe KYOTO" is an annual event jointly planned and operated by seven universities in Kyoto and Nara, selected for the JST Program for Promoting the Advancement of Young Researchers (SPRING), under the Career Development Group of KYOTO QUALIA FORUM (KQF)*. The purpose of this event is to create a platform for open discussions with leading companies about expectations for doctoral students and their current situation, and to raise awareness of the value of PhD in Japan.

An industry-academia consortium established with the aim of creating a "resonance of knowledge" through cross-disciplinary exchanges between universities and companies rooted in Kyoto, fostering new innovation, contributing to Japan's science and technology and industry through social implementation, and cultivating world-leading human resources.

 Participating Universities (in alphabetical order): Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto Prefectural University, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Doshisha University, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Ritsumeikan University

 Participating Companies (in alphabetical order): KYOCERA Corporation, Sanyo Chemical Industries, Ltd., SHIMADZU Corporation, SCREEN Holdings Co., Ltd., NISSHA Co., Ltd., HORIBA, Ltd., Murata Machinery, Ltd., Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

 On July 17, 2024, the "2024 Doctoral Career Messe KYOTO PART 1" was held at Kyoto Sangyo University Musubiwaza Kan. Under the theme of "Expectations for Doctoral Students and Considering Their Careers," Part 1 featured presentations by working professionals (with PhD) sharing their experiences. Professionals from seven companies and one research institute, spanning academia and various fields, introduced career models for doctoral degree holders and shared their experiences in the corporate world. In Part 2, an exclusive networking session for doctoral students with companies was held. Companies whose representatives had given presentations set up booths for direct interaction with doctoral students. Participants actively asked questions about what companies actually seek in doctoral-level talent and what kind of work they could expect to do. A total of 110 people participated (including 53 students), and seven students from NAIST attended.

 On November 1, 2024, the "2024 Doctoral Career Messe KYOTO PART 2" was held at Doshisha University Kambaikan, under the theme of "Understanding Doctoral Students Now and Cheering on the Next Generation of Highly Skilled Professionals!" Part 1 featured one-minute elevator pitches (presentations in Japanese and English) by doctoral students, Part 2 was a poster session, and Part 3 was a networking session (social gathering) bringing together doctoral students, auditors, and company representatives. In addition to the 48 presenters, a total of 144 people participated, including members of participating companies and auditors (master's degree students, undergraduate students, etc.). Six doctoral students from NAIST participated as presenters, and two of them, one Japanese student and one international student, won company awards. This was a valuable opportunity for doctoral students from seven universities in Kyoto and Nara to gather together, learn about each other's research and activities, and interact face-to-face with representatives from member companies.

 NAIST Career Services Office will continue to promote innovative initiatives to publicize doctoral students as highly skilled professionals in collaboration with KQF member universities and companies.

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