2021/12/22 Mr. Soma Suzuki (Applied Stress Microbiology Lab) received the Excellent Presentation Award. 2021/12/14 New coronavirus vaccination survey results 2021/12/13 【Admission Information】Changes for master's course entrance examination (2022 Spring Admission 3rd examination / 2022 Fall Admission 1st examination) 2021/12/10 Earthquake Survival Event(2021/11/6) 2021/12/10 NAIST participated in the "Experience Japan Exhibition (EJE) 2021 Online" (2021/11/20) 2021/12/06 Hozanji hiking tour (November 28, 2021) 2021/10/26 Cultural Activities for Students: Todaiji Temple, Kasuga Taisha Shrine and Nara National Museum 2021/10/20 Entrance Examination Results (October 20, 2021) 2021/10/19 NAIST Study Abroad Fair 2021 for international students (2021/10/09) 2021/10/14 "Conversation with the NAIST President" (October 11 and 12, 2021) 2021/10/07 Seiya Shino (Applied Stress Microbiology Lab) receives Excellent Presentation Award. 2021/10/07 2021 NAIST Fall Entrance Ceremony (October 4, 2021) 2021/10/04 2021 NAIST Fall Graduation Ceremony (September 24, 2021) 2021/09/29 Mr. Pongsakorn Sihapitak (Information Device Science Lab) receives Student Award at AMFPD21 International Conference 2021/09/29 Tomohiro Kawai of the Plant Symbiosis Lab receives best presentation award for young scientist 2021/09/28 NAIST International Student Ambassador Training Session (July - August, 2021) 2021/09/15 Prof. Tsuyoshi Kawai (Dean, Division Director) receives letter of appreciation 2021/09/01 Tran Thi Diem of Computing Architecture lab received the Best Student Paper Award at IEEE iCCECE'21. 2021/08/31 Entrance Examination Results (August 31, 2021) 2021/08/25 NAIST held the NAIST Indonesia Office 6th Anniversary Symposium (2021/08/07) First<678910111213141516>Last